Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Almost back from turf toe

Week off of boxing and Bjj cause of my dang toe. But just did sprints on the treadmill so feel much better 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Graduated ocs on sept 6th

Ocs is really bad for your body. The stress, lack of sleep, and shitty diet really crush your gains. In the gym full speed to get it back. Out of 36 that started phase 2 only 14 graduated.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

2 miles in 11:26

Ate like a pig so stayed in to get this done. Next time will start the run at 10.6 mph

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bjj and cardio

3.3miles in 19:12. Ohhh yea boy. Started at 10.3mph 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

New best 3 mile

Stared at 10.2 at 1% incline. Raised to 10.3 mph at 2 miles and increased to 1.5% at the finish And at 10.7 mph

Monday, May 4, 2015

Lift+bjj+push-up +run

Lift:decline bench sets, dips, flys, decline sit-ups, yoga ball sit-ups

Bjj: 4 rolls super tiring was gassed beyond. Need to keep at it

Run pushups: super gassed from Bjj but managed to get pushups in and run 2.75 in 17:19. Keep pushing bruh

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pre ocs training

Bjj fundamentals
Heavy shoulder day
300+ push-ups throughout the day
Rowing tabata