Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Running update

Now up made it to running for 30 mins starting at 14.0 kmph. At 23 minutes I increase to 14.1 and by 25 mins I was increasing the kmph each minute. Completing 7k in just under 30 minutes. I ran a bit more to finish at 4 miles and a half at 31 some mins.

First goal was to get
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Running commit commit!

Next run 30mins starting at 13.7
Last run was at 13.6 but due to increasing speed towards then end finished at 13.65 average. Plan to beat it next run on friday.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Slow as hell jogging

Today felt slow as hell on my jog and got really winded. Not sure if its cause i have been over training a bit or cause my diet is kind of weird. Next run= sprint at 16 for 1 min rest 1 min x 10 increase the speed by .5 each set

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Smolov Jr Bench

Decided to try the Smolov Jr lifting program for my bench. I havent benched in over a year due to a pec injury so need to get my numbers back up.
Smolov Jr Bench day 1 6x6 of 90 kilos

Deadlifts-Felt weak need to get on a new program

Running- Ran 8k or 5 miles in 35:54

I am where art meets commercial. The sweet spot between the hood and Hollywood. Having a conversation with Karl Lagerfeld and Jay-Z within the same hour. When we’re in Paris dressing all crazy at fashion shows, we listening to Jeezy. Jeezy in Paris, that’s what it is