Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Third bjj class! 3 hours in. Worked on Americanas from mount. Later we practiced what to do if an opponent grabs his arm, transition to an arm bar. Finally we went over what to do if an opponent pulls his wrist back, Go for a wrist lock.

At night started the smolov bench routine again so for day one i did 6x6 of 80 kg. Then I did some assistance stuff followed by situps and then 2 rounds of shadowboxing.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bjj class 2

Just had my second bjj class. Went over arm bars from mount. Hope to really get into it as I've always wanted to. Gym did sprints then shoulder and finished with 30 secs on 30 secs off 1000m row

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

End of lifting burner

7 sets of .22 km sprint at 16.5 then 10 burpees for time