Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hiking Maclehose trail Hong Kong

We tried a little hike today on the Maclehose trail. We Started at Pak tahm Chung and made it to Long Ke in a little under 3 hours (guide said it should take 5). We then hiked to Ham Tin Wan which was definetly a bit tougher then the flat hike before. From Ham Tin Wan we then went to Pak Tan Au for a total distance of 27.5k in a total time of 6.5 hours which included a 45 minute lunch on the beach. Pretty good time considering the guide said it would take 10 hours. 

Overall was a great day but my feet are now shot

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Deadlift 210 x2

Male model fit training

Hit 210 kilos x 2 for deadlifts
Other back shit

3x.25 mile sprints at 19kmph+ 1 min rest then .25 k sprints at a 10% incline at 17 kmph 1 minute break.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hong Kong Ultra training

Two days ago I ran a half marathon in 141:20 on the treadmill at a 1% incline. I felt great and didnt even feel very winded!

January 2005-May 2005 Serbia

Lived outside of Belgrade in Serbia to train competitive kick boxing and judo. I also took Serbian lessons and learned about the conflict leading up the war. My living arrangements were very spartan as I was living out in the country with a man earning less then 500$ a month. Ultimately it was a great experience and helped me develop further.

December 2011-January 2012 Thailand

Spent just over a month in Thailand training kickboxing as well as volunteering at a local school. Living amongst the Thai people helped me broaden my horizons and get a better grasp for their culture. Though I didn't get to take any formal Thai lessons I still learned a great deal just from living amongst Thais.

January 2011-Present Hong Kong

Worked for Bloomberg as an equity generalist in Hong Kong. After completing an 8 week training program I would assist clients with their Bloomberg terminals. This could range from helping clients analyze charts, look up specific securities or court filings and just general instruction on the Bloomberg terminal. Being the only Spanish speaker in Hong Kong (at Bloomberg) I also assisted Spanish speaking clients in Latin America and in Spain.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Strength+anerobic endurance

Today December 8th I mixed it up with some powerlifting stuff and some crossfitenduranceesque running.

Deadlifts: got 462x2

Weighted pullups- 1x10 45 4x5 70 lbs

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ultra Marathon training

Today for the the Hong Kong 100 ultra marathon I ran 20k at 12.2 kmph. Was a bit draining definetly picked up the distance too quickly. But happy I did it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hangover workout

For those that get vicious hangovers you probably know getting to the gym and getting a productive workout seems impossible. Though it may feel impossible if you man up you can still get some productive stuff done in the gym. When I'm hungover I normally try to start off with some compound lifts that I dont normally do. Compound lifts get the testotorone pumping and can even help your hangover feel better. After a compund lift I will do some accesory work like high rep sets of calf raises.

Hangover burn--

Zercher Squats: 5x5 295 pounds (Great exercise that really works the core. Once you get used to the pain on your arms the exercise will come naturally.)

Calf raises: 4x15 45s on each side.

Hamstring curls: 3x15

Followed up with practicing my teeps on the bag.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30,2011

Last day of movember.

Shoulders+pushups+abs+interval incline sets.

Trying to do 3 days of alternate pushups to get my max higher then it currently is. Hopefully this will also help my chest out since I am still hesistant to lift heavy.

Push Press: 1x10 135,1x5 155, 1x3 175,1x1 185. Almost got two at 185.
Lateral rises: 3x11 32.5
After every set did various types of pushups, regular,triangle,fist,wide grip,clapping.

Barbell Shrugs: 225x15,255x12,285x10,315x8,315x8
Trap extension machine: 2x12, 1x6 drop off 50% and 10 more reps.

8 sets of .25K at 17.2 at 10% incline.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tuesday November 29

Deadlifts: 1x10(385),1x8(415),1x4(425),1x2(435),1x1(455). Pulled back out a little so I stopped lifting heavy back.
Chinups:3x14 (need to start doing these more often to build my aerobic capacity)

Barbell curls: 5 sets increasing the weight starting at 12 reps and ending at 5 reps.
Hammer Curls: 3x8 (61.5)
Curl bar: 1x12,1x8,1x5,1x5

Decline sit ups:3x33
Hanging leg raises:3x25
Flutter kicks to straight situps: flutter kicks for count of 35 then followed by 15 reps of situps while lying completely flat x3.

Streching for 5 mins followed by 12 minutes on the treadmill at 11 kmph average and 4.0 incline.
- Trying to ease back into running to avoid shin splints and to make my shins stronger.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Monday November 28

Parents were here for 2 weeks so missed alot of workouts. Got to the gym at 830 pm. CHEST/TRI day

Incline bench press: 15x135,12x155,5x175,3x185
Incline flies:2x12 with 55s, then 15 reps with 38.5 pounds.
Cable crossovers: 3x12 22.5k
(Every other set I did a set of 10-12 pushups of either normal pushups,pushups on fists, wide grip or diamond) Need to start dropping the weights and focusing on the pushups and aerobic capcity.
Overall felt pretty good sinc ethis is the first time trainign chest since i pulled it a year ago.

Dumbell pullovers: 3x10 65 pounds. Prob can go heavier on this but was being careful as I could feel tightness in my left pec.
Skull crushers with preacher curl bar:3x10 with 10kilo on a side>
Curl bar tricep pushdowns:1x12,1x10,1x6-drop set 1x12. Not sure the weights as its in weird dominations on the puley.
Rope tricep extensions.1x12,2x10.

Felt fine but really have to stop being a pussy and man up as these basic bodybuilding routines are very simple and i hardly even break a sweat. I should definetly be super setting or doing something to work my aerobic capacity a little more.

Tomorrow 830am Crossfit endurance workout. Need to man up and get up with the construction, no point to stay in bed with the drilling.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

First post

This is the first post. I am going to start this blog out as a journal for my training. From there I will try to build it into a more comprehensive advice column pertaining to health,fitness and overall quality of life.